Given the stresses associated with working in modern General Practice we wanted to highlight the support and help that is out there for doctors.
Tayside LMC has always provided personal, one to one support for colleagues for a host of reasons, be they difficulties faced in the practice, incidents with colleagues or personal issues at home. This might include, feelings of distress or workload stress, personal problems, feeling generally overwhelmed or confronted by a particular challenge which seems insurmountable.
Please pick up the ‘phone (01382 424118) or email the office ( or Office Bearers directly and we will offer support, an ear to listen or direct you on to other professional resources if that is what you wish.
If you believe that either you or a colleague might need help or support – whatever the problem – please contact the office to speak confidentially to one of the Office Bearers. All calls and cases for ongoing support are treated in strict confidence and with sensitivity.
We are also here to support colleagues who may be facing action in relation to performance reviews locally or with the GMC and are able to support you during this stressful time whatever the problem.
Below are other services that you may wish to access.
BMA Wellbeing support services are open to all Doctors and Medical Students. They offer counselling and peer support and are confidential and free of charge. Call 0330 123 1245 The link below takes you to the relevant page on the BMA website where there is further information on this service as well as log in details to a portal to enable a webchat.

Welcome to information on NHS Tayside’s Staff Wellbeing Service.
The Staff Wellbeing Service is part the Department of Spiritual Care and open to self-referral by all Health and Social care staff, irrespective of role. We provide person-centred support, sitting alongside people as they explore not only challenges they are facing but also their hopes, strengths and choices.
You can find further information about 1-1 support as well as support for teams, by clicking here.
We also recognise that at times support is needed out-of-hours, so in addition to our daytime contact details, you’ll find an on-call contact number for the chaplain covering staff & patient support in the evenings, overnight and weekends.
Please click here to view a short video about the service
DocHealth offers confidential psychotherapy for doctors and is open to qualified all doctors of any grade or speciality, not just BMA members. It offers ongoing video consultations and is an independent organisation supported by charitable donations from the BMA and the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund. In order to sustain the service financial contributions are requested from users, but they can make arrangements if you are in financial difficulty.
Phone: 020 7383 6533 Email: website:
The Cameron Fund is the GPs' own charity. It is the only medical benevolent fund that solely supports general practitioners and their dependents. They provide support to GPs and their families in times of financial need, whether through ill-health, disability, death or loss of employment. They help those who are already suffering from financial hardship and those who are facing it.
More information can be found on their website at or by emailing
NHS Tayside Occupational Service is based in Wedderburn House, with satellite clinics in Ninewells Hospital and Perth Lodge - Perth Royal Infirmary, and is open to GPs and their staff.
The multi-skilled team comprises of a Consultant Occupational Physician (Head of Occupational Health), OH Service Manager, OH Nurses, Staff Nurses, Counsellors and Administrative support with a wealth of experience in Occupational Health.
Phone: 01382 346030 or Ext 30202
NHS Tayside Spiritual Care Services – further details of these can be found on the NHS Tayside Intranet.
Doctors' Support Network – a confidential peer support group for doctors with mental health concerns -
Care First – is the new employee assistant programme in NHS Tayside and is open to GPs and their staff.
The service is free of charge for you to use, just call 0808 168 2143 and you can speak to a professional counsellor or information specialist in confidence. Care first is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and is accessible by phone or online -
The National Wellbeing Hub for people working in Health and Social Care -